ATWW training course (17-23/6)Lecce

ATWW training course to reduce discrimination and exclusion experienced by people defined/labeled in many ways: “with difficult background”, “introverts”, “non- sociable”, people who many times are just a bit “weaker”, or have just a “different way” to be in a group.

The main objectives:
  • personal and professional skills-development of youth workers
  • to develop and improve emotional intelligence, reflexive and meta-cognitive skills of participants who through their work, can contribute to the reinforcement of anti-discriminative thinking, tolerance and empathy in their communities
  • empowering individuals to gain equality and respect (of their rights) 
  • promoting greater understanding of, acceptance of and support for the personal learning proces communicating the above effectively with all key communities of educators, trainers, etc.

The TC will be based on “non formal learning” methodology. With following and applying NFL principles, we will try to create a working&living environment where every single person can have the proper time and space to express oneself, to be fully and actively part of the seminar and its process. 

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